Emergency Abbreviations: A = Alpha. B = Bravo, C= Charlie, etc.

PRINT OUT AND KEEP HANDY: "When anyone calls 10111 – or any other emergency service we often find that the operator gets the street name and address incorrect: 1. Learn to spell your street name using the following – this way SAP vans/vehicles as well as ambulances and fire trucks will be given a proper spelling of the street. 2. Make very sure that your home is CLEARLY MARKED - the numbers are all to often VERY difficult to see – also making response time longer. A = ALPHA. B = BRAVO. C = CHARLIE. D = DELTA. E = ECHO. F = FOXTROT. G = GOLF. H = HOTEL. I = INDIA. J = JULIET. K = KILO. L = LIMA. M = MIKE. N = NOVEMBER. O = OSCAR. P = PAPPA. Q = QUEBEC. R = ROMEO. S = SIERRA. T = TANGO. U = UNIFORM. V = VICTOR. W = WHISKEY. X = XRAY. Y = YANKEE Z = ZULU. ------------------------------ • ABBREVIATION TABLE • BOLO – Be On Look Out MVA – Motor Vehicle Accident MBA – Motorbike Accident PVA – Pedestrian Vehicle Accident LMV – Light Motor Vehicle (car/taxi) HMV – Heavy Motor Vehicle (…
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