BLF leader, Andile Mngxitama invades double-storey mansion in Pretoria after noticing no one was living in it

The BLF decided to move into the big house after noticing no one was living in it. The High Court in Pretoria has refused to get involved on an urgent basis after a double-storey mansion in diplomat’s row in Brooklyn, Pretoria, was invaded by a group associated with Black First, Land First (BLF). The house “invaders”, who claim to be students, moved into the unoccupied thatched-roof house last month after getting a locksmith to open the door for them. When confronted, they allegedly said they could not afford accommodation and called their “lawyer”, who turned out to be BLF leader Andile Mngxitama, who is not an attorney. The executor in the estate of the house’s deceased owners, attorney Mike Potgieter, launched an urgent application to have the students evicted, saying they illegally gained access to the property and were trespassing. Judge Nelisa Mali, however, ruled that the application was not urgent and struck it off the roll. The main house on the property ha…
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Activist group threatens to shut down Pretoria east after a previous memorandum was not taken seriously

The group claims that a previous memorandum handed to the Tshwane metro in March was not taken seriously. A Mamelodi activist group, which recently shut down Mamelodi municipal office services for several weeks, said they will do so again – if their demands are not met, reports Pretoria East Rekord. Oupa Mashiane, chairperson of the Mamelodi Concerned Residents for Service Delivery, made the remarks while handing over a memorandum to the metro at the local municipal offices on Monday morning. It was the second such memorandum, he said, and “the last”. Mashiane gave the metro seven working days to respond to demands. “This is a serious matter – the city of Tshwane must take our demands very seriously,” said Mashiane. Utility services MMC Darryl Moss received the memorandum on behalf of the Tshwane mayor. He promised to meet with the mayor the same afternoon to “personally hand over the memorandum to him” Mashiane claimed the metro did not take the group’s…
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Bultfontein, PTA: Farm attack, man shot dead, elderly sister wounded

A violent farm attack took place on 26 August 2018, at 23:20 on a smallholding in Bultfontein, north of Pretoria. Two attackers neutralised the electric fence and lifted the gate and then broke the front door down. The man (74) was shot in the head outside the home and died on the scene and an elderly woman, the man’s sister, was shot in the abdominal area and was rushed to hospital. A third occupant of the house, a woman, apparently managed to raise the alarm on the emergency radio and the attackers fled. She was not injured. It seems that a firearm was stolen from the home during the attack. There have been no arrests and police are investigating. The incident was first reported on twitter by Ian Cameron of AfriForum. South Africa Today – South Africa News
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Illegal land grabbers in Faerie Glen, Pretoria East became very hostile and threatened the community that they will burn down their homes and kill them

Dear Residents, I just got back from an attempted land grab of Municipal Property in Faerie Glen, Plaston Str. I arrived on site this afternoon with the community who wanted to meet with the 'owners' of the property after they started building and even put in an illegal water connection to this property, probably to make the construction seem more legitimate. Unfortunately for the land grabbers, the community is very well organized and aware of the fact that this property is a Municipal Road Reserve. I immediately contacted the MMC as well as the Chairperson of Roads & Transport from the site, who confirmed my position that no Municipal Land was sold to these 'owners'. I proceeded to disrupt this meeting, saying that we cannot engage with thugs grabbing land and, unless they can prove the contrary, they should leave - this prompted the land grabbers, who were very diplomatic up until then, to show their true colors and intent. The land grabbers became very h…
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Bekende skrywer, Tom Gouws op kleinhoewe buite Pretoria vermoor

Die bekende skrywer en letterkundige Tom Gouws is tydens ’n rooftog op sy kleinhoewe buite Pretoria vermoor deur aanvallers. Die nuus is bevestig deur sy suster Judy Leclerc. Volgens inligting ontvang van Judy het Tom en sy vrou onlangs ’n kleinhoewe buite Lynwood buite Pretoria gekoop waar hul ’n huis gebou het. Tom is na bewering deur rowers by die huis ingewag waar hy koelbloedig vermoor is. Sy vrou is ook tydens die aanval beseer, maar haar toestand is nie bekend gemaak nie. Daniël Gouws, Tom se seun het ook die voorval bevestig, maar was te hartseer om meer inligting te gee. Medelye het vroeg Donderdagoggend op Facebook ingestroom nadat die nuus soos ’n veldbrand versprei het. Fred en Mercia Eloff sê: “Tom ou maat, nou is jy waar Vader is. Vertroosting toegebid vir die familie.” “Sjoe Tom ... nou is jy elke dag saam met my .... WOLK van Getuie en moedig my aan. My meegevoel aan familie wat hier deur werk”, lui ’n inskrywing van Christa Stander. Tom …
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Gewilde Hartland program van lug af gehaal by Pretoria FM

Luisteraars van Pretoria FM, voorheen bekend as Radio Pretoria, het penregop gesit toe hulle oor die lug verneem dat een van die gewildste programme summier van die lug verwyder is. Skynbaar is ander ewe gewilde programme se tydsduur gehalveer, want “daar moet minder gepraat word” op die radio. Ander programme soos Fokus, waar veral Solidariteit ‘n groot rol speel en waar mense soos mnre. Flip Buys, Jaco Kleynhans en ander uit die Solidariteit dampkring, onbeperkte spreektyd het, word skynbaar nie geraak nie, en volgens die direksie voorsitter, Willie Spies, in ‘n antwoord op mnr. Bennie van Zyl se Facebook inskrywing, gaan Fokus nou Hartland se plek inneem. Die “minder praat” is dus skynbaar net van toepassing op sekere sprekers. Die gewilde program Hartland is skielik deur die nuwe uitvoerende bestuurder, mnr. Hennie Koortz, nek-om gedraai, en Marianne Breytenbach, uiters bekwame en geliefde aanbieder van die indiepte nuusagtergrond program, het die aankondiging …
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Onwettige grondbesetting op R21 veroorsaak chaos

Onwettige grondbesetters het weereens chaos veroorsaak. Hierdie keer op die R21 naby Olifantsfontein. Die hoofweg is deur protesteerders geblokkeer vir verkeer, ‘n vragmotor is aan die brand gesteek en motoriste is met klippe bestook. ‘n Onbekende persoon is dood tydens die optrede maar die oorsaak van sy dood kon nie vasgestel word nie. Verkeer vanaf die lughawe na Pretoria is ontwrig deur rommel wat op die pad gestort is en die pad is laat Sondagmiddag vir verkeer oopgestel nadat polisie die rommel verwyder het. Deur: Die Vryburger
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Afrika slaan weer toe – Herstelde substasie se kabels word gesteel

Pas nadat die substasie in die ooste van Pretoria herstel is, het Afrika weer toegeslaan en is daar kabels gesteel. Nadat groot dele van die Ooste van Pretoria sonder krag was die afgelope sewe dae is die substasie herstel na ‘n brand. Toe Metrodienste egter die krag wou aanskakel, is gevind dat daar op nie minder nie as agt plekke kabels gesteel is in die tyd. Die kabels sal glo deur die loop van die dag vervang word. Deur: Die Vryburger  
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Inwoners in die Ooste van Pretoria is sedert Dinsdag sonder krag

Duisende inwoners in die Ooste van Pretoria is sedert Dinsdag in die duister weens ‘n ontploffing by ‘n substasie by Wapadrand. Die oorsaak van die ontploffing kon nog nie bepaal word nie maar dit blyk dat te veel transformators in die substasie gekoppel is wat die ontploffing kon veroorsaak het. Volgens beraming gaan die herstelwerk miljoene kos en is dit slegs tydelik, aldus Selby Bokaba van die groter Pretoria stadsraad. Intussen het die eerste krag wel in sekere gebiede aangekom vroeg vanoggend. Die vermoede is dat ‘n kombinasie van swak instandhouding en oorlading die oorsaak van die probleem was. Deur: Die Vryburger
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Grafmonument van president Paul Kruger geskend

Die grafmonument van president Paul Kruger op die Heldeakker in Pretoria is beskadig. Die Vryburger is in kennis gestel dat die kopstuk afgebreek is deur onbekendes. Pretoria munisipaliteit het op die beskadigde beeld afgekom en die kopstuk in hulle stoor geberg. Dit is nog nie seker wat nou daarmee gaan gebeur nie, maar die verwagting is dat volksorganisasies sal inspring en seker maak dat die graf en standbeeld herstel sal word. Deur: Die Vryburger
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