AfriForum dagvaar polisie om vir onwettige grondgryp te betaal – Polisie het versuim om hul pligte tydens ’n grondgryp naby Onderstepoort in Pretoria, uit te voer

Die verontregte eienaar van ’n plaas naby Onderstepoort in Pretoria het vandag in samewerking met AfriForum ’n dagvaarding uitgereik teen Bheki Cele, minister van polisie, om die kostes en uitgawes verbonde aan ’n dringende uitsettingsaansoek in 2018 te verhaal. Die polisie het versuim om hul pligte tydens ’n grondgryp wat op die perseel plaasgevind het, uit te voer. Die polisie het in Augustus verlede jaar geweier om dr. Motodi Maserumule by te staan om betreders te arresteer wat sy grond wederregtelik betree en begin het om strukture op te rig. Dr. Maserumule het AfriForum genader en ’n dringende hofbevel bekom wat gelas het dat die betreders verwyder word, en dat die polisie die balju daarmee behulpsaam moet wees. Dr. Maserumule en AfriForum het die Rooimiere ’n mandaat gegee om die betreders en strukture te help verwyder. “AfriForum raak betrokke by sake soos hierdie om toe te sien dat die polisie gedwing word om hulle werk te doen. Ons hoop dat hierdie eis as afsk…
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Bejaardes lê ure vasgebind na plaasaanvallers inreek by hul plaashuis naby Pretoria

’n Egpaar van in hul 80’s moes heelaand vasgebind lê terwyl rowers hul plaashuis geplunder het. James (84) en Lenie Leask (87) van Boekenhoutskloofdrift, tussen Pretoria en Cullinan, kon eers Maandagoggend om 07:00 hulp ontbied toe hul werkers ingekom het. André van Heerden van die Cullinan-gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum (GPF) sê die egpaar is nie seker presies wanneer die aanvallers Sondagaand die huis ingekom het nie, maar hulle het wakker geword toe ’n flitslig in hul oë geskyn word. Dit is onbekend of die rowers gewapen was, maar daar was vermoedelik drie van hulle. Hulle het die diefwering voor een van die vensters afgeknip, waarna hulle die slapende Leasks in hul slaapkamer verras het. “Die slagoffers is met elektriese koorde vasgebind en die kamerdeur is van buite af gesluit. Daarna het die rowers deur die hele huis, byna elke laai en kas, gegrawe. “Hulle het van die drank in die huis gedrink en elektroniese toerusting, soos selfone, ’n televisie en skoot…
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Be vigilant of whom you hire and trusts – Pretoria man died savagely after employee of 26 years stabbed him four times in chest – deceased cared for this ruthless killer and put this man’s children through school and college

Herman Scoltz was brutally murdered in his home in Pretoria during the night of 9 March 2019. Scoltz was described by his friend, Nico Bernard, as “a gentle soul and a gentleman”. He also reported that the person that stabbed him four times in the chest worked for him for 26 years and that Scoltz had put this man’s children through school and college and cared for his family. Bernard added that people need to understand why South Africa is such a violent place and that his friend Herman traveled the whole of Africa for his work to see that people got good health care, which most people will consider dangerous but Herman was killed in his own house in Pretoria, South Africa. Read the original article on Boere Krisis Aksie BKA
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SAPS is looking the other way as no active steps are being taken to prevent the wave of crime that is ravishing parts of Kameeldrift, East in Pretoria

Despite a wave of crime that ravages Kameeldrift East in Pretoria, it seems that the SAPS is simply looking the other way, as no active steps are being taken to provide badly needed relief for this agricultural community. AfriForum launched several actions to support this besieged area in its battle to call the SAPS to account to ensure that the local police station functions properly to effectively help the community. Among other, AfriForum launched a court application to compel the community to send reservists for the prescribed training to enable them to supplement the understaffed police station. AfriForum also monitors the investigation of various cases, among them that of former Springbok Naka Drotské, who was injured during a farm attack on his brother’s smallholding. Another is that of Manie Entres, whose wife was murdered in his presence. In both cases, the SAPS investigative abilities were shocking. AfriForum has already voiced its dissatisfaction in a lette…
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Studente van die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie bring Pretoria tot stilstand tydens protestoptogte

Studente van die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie (TUT) het weereens die strate ingevaar en verkeer in die sentrale gedeeltes van Pretoria ontwrig. Klasse is ontwrig en studente eis die kop van die polisieman wat Andries Monareng glo doodgeskiet het. Die studente het gedreig dat hul die hele Pretoria tot stilstand sal bring. Winkels is gesluit en berigte van stropery by wegneem eetplekke is aangemeld. Die polisie ontken intussen steeds dat hulle verantwoordelik was vir die dood van Monareng. Deur: Die Vryburger
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Illegal land grabbers in Faerie Glen, Pretoria East became very hostile and threatened the community that they will burn down their homes and kill them

Dear Residents, I just got back from an attempted land grab of Municipal Property in Faerie Glen, Plaston Str. I arrived on site this afternoon with the community who wanted to meet with the 'owners' of the property after they started building and even put in an illegal water connection to this property, probably to make the construction seem more legitimate. Unfortunately for the land grabbers, the community is very well organized and aware of the fact that this property is a Municipal Road Reserve. I immediately contacted the MMC as well as the Chairperson of Roads & Transport from the site, who confirmed my position that no Municipal Land was sold to these 'owners'. I proceeded to disrupt this meeting, saying that we cannot engage with thugs grabbing land and, unless they can prove the contrary, they should leave - this prompted the land grabbers, who were very diplomatic up until then, to show their true colors and intent. The land grabbers became very h…
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Onwettige grondbesetting op R21 veroorsaak chaos

Onwettige grondbesetters het weereens chaos veroorsaak. Hierdie keer op die R21 naby Olifantsfontein. Die hoofweg is deur protesteerders geblokkeer vir verkeer, ‘n vragmotor is aan die brand gesteek en motoriste is met klippe bestook. ‘n Onbekende persoon is dood tydens die optrede maar die oorsaak van sy dood kon nie vasgestel word nie. Verkeer vanaf die lughawe na Pretoria is ontwrig deur rommel wat op die pad gestort is en die pad is laat Sondagmiddag vir verkeer oopgestel nadat polisie die rommel verwyder het. Deur: Die Vryburger
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Strate van Pretoria vandag gesluit weens beplande optog

’n Beroep is gedoen op motoriste deur die Tswane-metropolisie om kennis te neem van ’n beplande optog vandag wat verkeer in die Pretoria gebied erg kan ontwrig. Woordvoerder van die metropolisie, Snr.supt. Isaac Mahamba het tydens ’n verklaring gesê dat die protestors onder die vaandel van die regering se kommunikasiediens (GCIS) se #100MenMarch, gaan begin saamkom vanaf 08:00 by ʼn oop gedeelte in Schubartpark, naby Kerkplein,. Die betogers beoog om 10:00 vanaf die hoek van Kgosi Mampuru- en Madibastraat, in Madibastraat reguit te beweeg tot by die Uniegebou. Al die kruisings in Madibastraat tot by die Uniegebou sal tydelik deur die optog geraak word. Volgens Mahambe behoort die betogers omstreeks 14:00 by die Uniegebou uiteen te gaan. “Metropolisiebeamptes sal ontplooi word om die betoging en strate wat geraak word te monitor. Motoriste word aangeraai om van alternatiewe roetes gebruik te maak,” het Mahamba gesê. GCIS se #100MenMarch word gehou om teen geweld te…
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Plaasaanval: Terroriste skiet man voor sy dogter, verloofde

'n Man is Woensdag in die vroeë oggendure ten aanskoue van sy sesjarige dogter en sy verloofde geskiet toe inbrekers toegang tot hul huis op ’n plaas in Leeuwfontein naby Roodeplaat in Pretoria wou verkry. Jonty Jacobs (28) is verskeie kere raakgeskiet toe hy op die aanvallers geskree het. Hy is in ’n kritieke toestand na die Steve Biko- akademiese hospitaal geneem. “Hy het tussen 02:00 en 03:00 wakker geword toe iemand die houtraam van die venster probeer oopbreek het,” sê Ian Cameron, die burgerregte-organisasie AfriForum se hoof van gemeenskapsveiligheid. “Hy is meer as een keer getref, vermoedelik ook in die ruggraat. “Hulle het ’n week of twee gelede verloof geraak,” sê hy. Sers. Portia Maleka, polisiewoordvoerder, sê die polisie het Woensdag omstreeks 03:00 gereageer op die voorval. Sy sê ’n aantal aanvallers het toegang tot die huis verkry deur ’n venster voor in die huis. “Toe hulle binne die huis was, het hulle vir Jacobs binne die huis gevind. …
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Pretoria man robbed while ‘police stood idly by’

The policemen did not help because the crime was not part of their division. A businessman has accused the police of standing idly by while he was being robbed in the north of Pretoria, Pretoria North Rekord reports. Louis Eloff said this happened during a protest. He sells and distributes paint across Pretoria. Eloff said he was on his way to make a delivery in Hammanskraal when he ran in to a group of protesters along Soutpan Road in Soshanguve. “About 100 people ran towards my van and stopped it. They took all the buckets of paint on the trailer and got away.” Eloff said the stock was worth more than R25 000. “Two policemen stood there and watched. When I approached them to ask for help, they said it was not their division.” He said he did not lay charges because this would be a waste of time. “Why would I do that when I know that there are thousands of murders, rapes and armed robberies on their books that will never be solved?” Soshanguve police …
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