Voormalige Skerpioene-ondersoekbeampte probeer bank in Pretoriase winkelsentrum roof

Die man wat na bewering 'n bank in die Menlyn Mall-winkelsentrum in Pretoria probeer beroof het, is geïdentifiseer as 'n voormalige ondersoekbeampte vir die nou-ontbinde Skerpioene. Twee van sy voormalige kollegas het aan News24 bevestig dat die verdagte, wat Dinsdagoggend in hegtenis geneem is, Mossie Mostert was. Volgens News24 word deur albei bronne ook gesê Mostert het glo finansieel swaargekry. Sedert hy die direktoraat vir spesiale operasies (die Skerpioene) en die polisie verlaat het, het Mostert sy handel as 'n private ondersoeker by 'n maatskappy genaamd Mostert Security Solutions uitgevoer. Volgens die polisie het die verdagte glo omstreeks 11:15 'n Absa-bank binnegegaan en reguit na 'n bankteller gestap voordat hy 'n briefie oorhandig het. Hy het homself vermom, het 'n pruik gedra en die bank binnegekom met 'n toestel wat hy later as 'n bom ontbloot het. Polisiewoordvoerder, kaptein Colette Weilbach, het gesê op die nota is gesê dat hy 'n bom gehad …
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EFF Members created havoc at Swedish retailer’s stores in up-market malls in Pretoria

RED T-shirt clad Economic Freedom Fighters closed down South African branches of the international clothing retail giant H&M, including at Menlyn Mall in the city - and will close down any other shop that behaves in a racist manner. On Saturday EFF members stormed the Swedish retailer’s stores in up-market malls in Pretoria, Joburg and Cape Town, upending racks and pushing over shop dummies. A video taken at a Menlyn Mall shop has gone viral on social media. The reason for their violent protest action was an advert for an H&M product, a boy’s green hoodie, modelled by a young black child bearing the words: “Coolest monkey in the jungle.” After objections were first raised abroad, H&M apologised for the advert and withdrew the item from its online store. “We strongly believe that racism and bias in any shape or form, deliberate or accidental, are simply unacceptable,” H&M said in a statement. “We have got this wrong and we are deeply sorry.” But…
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