Pretoria Becomes Globalist Sh*thole as Nigerians, Drugs & Taxi Driver Wars Plunge CBD Into Chaos (VIDEO)

Drugs & Taxi Drivers were blamed for CBD being plunged into chaos - shops looted, buildings set on fire and public transport suspended in South Africa's Capital City. Taxi drivers took to the streets in Pretoria after one of their "colleagues" was apparently killed by a Nigerian who was apparently selling drugs. They allegedly set the buildings where the Nigerian "businesses" were operating from, on fire and then hijacked a truck, which was used to block an intersection to prevent the fire trucks from getting to the fire. The killing of the taxi driver is believed to have started these riots in the CBD. The situation left bus commuters stranded after the city temporarily suspended its bus services for safety reasons. Several foreign stores were looted and a building was set alight. Police had to chase rioters with rubber bullets who prevented the firefighters from reaching the scene.   Watch at: The police system is…
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